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Paper: Is Buddhist Self-Immolation a Form of Asceticism?

  • Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies St-Michielsstraat 4 B-3000 Leuven Belgium (map)

Kosmoi Conference

21-23 October 2019


Good – Better – Best: Asceticism and the Ways to “Perfection”



Organisers: Joseph Verheyden, Ann Heirman, Johan Leemans, Geert Roskam



Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

St-Michielsstraat 4

B-3000 Leuven

Collegium Veteranorum – Room 02.10 (Romerozaal)



Registration is mandatory for practical reasons. For details about the modalities, please contact Thomas Valgaeren at





21 October


13.45-14.00     Welcome        

14.00-15.10     Xenia Zeiler (Helsinki), Re-negotiating Hindu Widows’ Asceticism

15.10-15.40     Break

15.40-16.50     James Benn (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont.), Is Buddhist Self-Immolation a Form of Asceticism?

16.50-17.50     Offered papers (2)

Tillo Detige (independent scholar), Transnational Lay Asceticism? Seeking Perfection through Mental Purification  in Contemporary Vipassana Praxis (17.30-18.00)

Dylan Esler (Bochum), Perfection Beyond Technique: The Notion of Effortless Spontaneity in Tibetan Dzogchen (18.00-18.30)

17.50-18.30     Plenary discussion

19.00               Dinner



22 October


09.00-10.10     Kurt Lampe (Bristol), Divination and Becoming Divine in Stoicism

10.10-10.40     Break

10.40-11.50     Dominic O’Meara (Fribourg), Pagan Philosophical Asceticism in Late Antiquity. Does It Differ from the Christian Asceticism of the Period?

11.50-12.50     Offered papers (2)

                        Thomas Valgaeren (Leuven), God as a Role Model: Practical Homoiosis in the Works of the Cappadocians (11.50-12.20)

Thibaut Lejeune (Leuven), Assimilation to God: Living the Ascetic Life in Late Neoplatonism (12.20-12.50)

13.00               Lunch

14.00-15.10     Brouria Bitton Ashkelony (HU Jerusalem), Early Christian Monastic Tradition

15.10-16.20     Niki Clements (Rice University), Technologies of the Ascetic Self: Telos in John Cassian and Michel Foucault

16.20-16.45     Break

16.45-17.55     Ishay Rosen Zvi (Tel Aviv), Rabbinic Asceticism. The Case of the Struggle with Yetzer Hara (Evil Inclination)

17.55-18.30     Plenary discussion

19.15               Dinner



23 October


09.00-10.10     Mette Bjerregaard Mortensen (Copenhagen), Ascetic Traditions and Practices according to the Qu’ran

10.10-10.40     Break

10.40-11.50     Rob Faesen (Leuven), Asceticism and Perfection in Medieval Christian Mysticism

11.50-12.50     Offered papers (2)

                        Maxim Venetskov (Leuven), John Climacus: Fasting Measures and Excesses in the Ladder (11.50-12.20)

                        Joachim Yeshaya (Leuven), Pietism and Poetry: Jewish Ascetic Practices in Medieval Egypt (12.20-12.50)

13.00               Lunch

14.00-15.10     Patrick Benjamin Koch (Hamburg), Asceticism and Perfection in Sixteenth-Century Kabbalah

15.10-15.40     Break

15.40-16.50     Hedwig Schwall (Leuven), Fighting the other to Find the Other? V. Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and A. Burn’s Milkman

16.50-17.20     Plenary discussion and Conclusion

18.30               Dinner

November 23

Response: AAR Panel Disaster and Calamity in Chinese Religions from the Medieval to the Modern Era